Monday, November 22, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.....

I hate snow. My husband loves it. We don't get much here in the Northwest, but when we do, all heck breaks lose. Today is the first snow of the season. We mainly get rain here, but the weather "experts" have decided that because it is a La Nina year, then we will probably be in for some rough times. Last week, we had a wild windstorm that blew down my patio umbrella, knocked over the table, and almost took out one side of the deck railing. They predicted a "slight breeze" that day. Phooey.

Today, its snow. When we heard it was coming late last week, I became anxious. Argggh! I'll have to drive in it at some point, I thought to myself. Out with the boots, scarves, mittens, and windshield scrapers. With the snow brings cranky, inept, or crazy drivers. Nice to look at, but that's about it. Then, last night, I heard the sound of kids laughing and screaming. Neighbors came outside and actually started talking to each other. Dan (my husband) was absolutely beaming....I don't know why he loves it so much. I took the bundled baby outside to see how she would react to it. She had a look of pure concentration as she looked up at the softly cascading flakes. A small bit of the frozen fluff landed on her nose. It was then I remembered how excited I used to get at the thought of snow when I was a kid. As I looked again, I could have sworn that I saw little white fairies dancing on the evening breeze.

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