Monday, November 1, 2010

What's been goin' on?!

What's been going on in the past six weeks is really what has been going on for the past year or so. Ever since I have decided to go back to school, everything has been thrown into chaos, it seems. I really get frustrated to the point of tears, sometimes. I get resentful of the extra burden I have put upon myself with taking classes, although I know that getting a degree is one of the best things I can do for myself. It seems like the whole world can be against you when you try to better yourself in any way. I have shifted my life into overdrive compared to what it once was, and compared to what many people are doing these days....and that is simply surviving.
I suppose it would be much easier to go to school right now, if I was not a new mom. I have an eight month old now, and like other babies, she demands quite a lot of my time. I feel guilty most of the time when I have to take time to complete what I can for my studies, because if feels to me like I am not being fair to her. I am sorry if this is beginning to sound like a pity party, but this is actually hurtful to me. The way I see it, she just needs her mommy right now, and she is certainly entitled to that. I feel like I fail her in that respect sometimes. So, as a consequence, I don't do as well as I feel I could in some classes. When push comes to shove, my family always win out. I'm not capable of thinking any other way. But this pulling in all directions is tough. I also work full time, have a husband and a house to keep. The house continuously loses out! My parents taught me never to give up, however. They taught me to be like a bulldog in that manner. Sometimes I can't help but feel like I am the only one who struggles this much. Sometimes I feel like I bit off much more than I can chew even though I only did for the ultimate benefit of my family. My self worth rides on if I feel that I have tried to contribute in the best way I can with the most effort I can possibly give, even if that means running on a lot less sleep than I did before. If anything, going to school has been a humbling experience after having to ask several of my instructors to be patient with me and not take me for a slacker if there are assignments being turned in late. Its not that I don't care, its just that I don't have any more hours in the day than anybody else. It is common knowledge that being a parent, employee, spouse and student is not an easy feat to pull off for anyone, but for someone who sets standards that are perhaps a little too high for themselves, it more often than not feels like the loneliest place in the world.


  1. Do not feel too lonely. Many people feel this way I think. We all feel the crunch of not enough time in every day. Even though I thought it would be different after all my kids left home and I had only myself to think of, nothing changed. I still constantly am challenged to work everything in to a day. My house always loses! My family always wins. See, you are not so alone after all!

  2. Hee Hee, when I was still single, living in my own apartment, my house used to win a lot more! Poor house......
